Is it really the key to everything, or is this a gross oversimplification of a wide variety of different bodily and neuronal functions that happen to tap into the same neuronal pathway?
My bullshit detector immediately goes off because when I type 'vagus nerve' in to youtube there's immediately all these attractive housewives doing v-logs about 'exercises' concerning stress relief and anxiety. Obviously there is some connection between these nerves and stress and relaxation, because it seems absolutely EVERYTHING travels through this neural passage. And we all know all this hoopla about your gut-bacteria controls mood yadda yadd yadda
My bullshit detector immediately goes off because when I type 'vagus nerve' in to youtube there's immediately all these attractive housewives doing v-logs about 'exercises' concerning stress relief and anxiety. Obviously there is some connection between these nerves and stress and relaxation, because it seems absolutely EVERYTHING travels through this neural passage. And we all know all this hoopla about your gut-bacteria controls mood yadda yadd yadda