>>14321180Yes. I invented it. The largest number is called MOAN. The Mother Of All Numbers.
MOAN is defined as being the largest number in the Universe, Nothing can be added to MOAN because there is nothing left to add.
>Hurr MOAN + 1 checkmate!No fuckhead, you can not add anything to MOAN, by definition. Attempting to do so just result in you sailing off the edge of reality.
Anyway, you simply count backwards down to 1, There are no negative numbers. You can not subtract anything greater than the starting number simply because the starting number has to account for its numerical place in the Universe. For example its not possible to subtract 10 apples from 5 apples because there needs to be more than 10 apples in the first place. If you want to subtract 10 apples then you must begin with more than 10 apples. Why more than 10? Because I am not putting up with that zero bullshit either. Or infinities, irrationals or infinitesimals either, because fuck that,