This question has been bugging me for years

No.14321033 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the most realistic portrayal of the aftermath of an all out nuclear war? The bombs that the U.S and Russia have in their possession are more than enough to annihilate the world dozens of times over. This would be the end of the world, I assume for all lifeforms on earth due to nuclear fallout killing everything. I read that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are habitable but it is impossible to drink the water there or to grow any food so everything has to be imported. This would mean that there would be no source of food or clean water anywhere in the world if ww3 were to happen and that people would depend on canned foods and cannibalism to survive. I would assume that "The Road" by Cormac Mccarthy would be the most realistic portrayal of a nuclear wasteland if that were to be the case, correct? This fact would mean that not a single person or any lifeform for that matter will survive in the long term (centuries) so even a scenario like the Fallout or Mad Max series would be a far better scenario than real life.

Could a smart anon who knows about radiation debunk or confirm this?