>>14320583>>14320592here's what happened. maxwell's equations discovered the speed at which electromagnetic waves travel as was exactly the speed of light (confirming that EM radiation and light are one in the same).
then, particle theory of light was discovered (which was different from newton's corpuscular theory of light). light (EM radiation) had to be quantized, and furthermore was massless (evidenced by the metric in Special relativity, along with Einstein's postulate that speed of light was the same in all inertial frames)
einsteon's postulate was very much about electromagnetic radiation. i mean, for fuck's sake the 1905 seminal paper by Einstein was titled
>On the Electrodynamics of Moving BodiesEinstein's postulate is only relevant for photons, it's not a general one about massless particles.
here's what happened: particle physicists use the minkowski metric, and argue that all massless particles must (via einstein) travel at the speed of light. then they postulate a graviton must exist (for reasons), and if it did exist, it'd be massless (else there would be self-interaction terms of the graviton which are problematic). therefore, gravity waves travel at the speed of light.
it's all a mishmash of bullshit and ad hoc explanations. speed of light is manifestly with respect to light, and anyone who says otherwise is a pseud.