No.14318018 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a reasonable theorem on determining how genetically probable that a certain combination of facial, cranial, and jaw proportions/features can exist in real life?

For instance, look at pic related. This hypothetical WHITE human has a wide and robust (but also slightly slender... it's somewhere between oval and oblong) jaw, thick and branching neck, tall nose (apologies if the nostrils look too thick, I should have shaded them), thick chin (used an outline instead of a highlight for this one), wide lips, pinned ears, big cranium, and eyes that are very close to the brows (highlighted in yellow, with the orbitals [hope I got this named right] highlighted in blue).

Is such a human truly theoretically possible? Perhaps I should be looking for some haploautism expertise here but ONLY as long as it's not psuedoscientific.