>do cardio bro, it improves your cognitive ability
Did run 30 minutes every single day, still ended up being a long time student that got kicked out at almost 30 due to failing too many exams
>dude, Lion's Mane and shiiieeet
Took it, same as above
>dude, like, study 10 hours a day
got 8 hours, every day, 3 months prior to exams, same result
It doesn't matter what you do, you can't beat in born genetics, IQ is everything in life and the only thing that matters and it's unchangeable. If you have to try, it's over.
Did run 30 minutes every single day, still ended up being a long time student that got kicked out at almost 30 due to failing too many exams
>dude, Lion's Mane and shiiieeet
Took it, same as above
>dude, like, study 10 hours a day
got 8 hours, every day, 3 months prior to exams, same result
It doesn't matter what you do, you can't beat in born genetics, IQ is everything in life and the only thing that matters and it's unchangeable. If you have to try, it's over.