>>14312370 and
>>14315256are not necessarily the same thing.
An important part of teaching is to let the student reach their own intuitive understanding of the subject, not just make them memorize definitions and theorems verbatim.
There’s a reason why we use the Socratic method or LBD when teaching, as a teacher you SHOULD NOT explain things simply. You should teach the definitions and the concepts, and your students should attempt to reach an understanding. Then if that understanding is wrong or flawed you correct them WITHOUT giving them the whole answer (i.e. “explaining things simply”), so that they can understand their mistakes.
Why do you brainlets think that all math undergrads go through a proof-based course? It’s specifically so that you don’t have to “explain things simply”, you give them the tools to teach themselves and thereby giving the the ability to obtain a deeper understanding of the subject.
You niggers are getting filtered so fucking hard holy shit just an hero already faggot