If You Can't Beat Affirmitive Action On College Campuses

No.14311030 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Maybe you can use it?

Consider the following

If mediterians and slavic people were their own ethnic groups, and white hispanics, (and perhaps all applicants) had to take a DNA test, you would be left with the 'white' or 'Caucasian' consisting of mainly anglo-saxon, nordic, and celtic peoples, or German, French, English, and most Nordic, Irish and Scottish as well, comprising a minority of 30%, just below hispanics.

If Hispanics are in fact the majority demographic, then Caucasians would qualify for affirmative action under the law, meaning college admissions would be forced to accept a proportional number of applicants and could not discriminate against us for having higher than average academic test scores.

Pic Unrelated. I was under the impression that academic admissions and statistics were both related to science, so if you delete this thread please do not ban me as I was under the impression that this thread was on topic and not baiting or trolling.