No.14310849 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>finish masters in microelectronics a few months ago
>tell professor that i want to continue as phd, and he says he’d love to but there is no funding
>get a job as a fpga developer in consulting firm
>all my colleagues are 20 year old basedboys that can only talk about gaming or repeat memes from 2013
>get put on designing a PCB for a noname industrial customer even though that is not related to what i applied to the job for
>prof sends a message saying he will recommend me for a phd at CERN doing VLSI design
>find out it means moving to Switzerland and there is no way I can do it at my local uni
>pitch the idea to my girlfriend but she absolutely does not want to move because we just bought a house
how do i settle for mediocrity bros
i want to kill myself at my current job and I’ve only been here for a few months