>>14309824>It processes information and controls the meat suit that is your body.partly wrong, body controls brain as much as brain controls body. dont even assume different or you're gay.
1. The current state of your intestinal flora determine how much energy you have, and how you feel. - wanna be more open and positive ? improve that shit
2. current body starte define your energy level- wanna have more energy ? start fucking lifting or running.
3. Your pose ( yes a fucking pose) define your emotional state. - don't wanna fell depressed ? - straiten your body ( shoulders back and down, straight posture, dont cross legs hands etc. )
4. you have only 2 reactions while under stress 1.fight 2.run - wanna think and be chillin around people ? - Talk with them no matter how cringe it will be, don't tryhard avoiding emotions, i know it will sound dumb but JUST talk and eventually your brain will adjust to the situation, will stop see it as possible danger and won't force this retarded monkey mechanism, which will open the gate of this magical state of normal interaction,
I know it sound dumb but this fucker peterson was at lease partially right you need to face the "monster" for as long as its needed. for any more questions ill be here for about an hour and then ill hang myself so better ask quickly you antisocial fag