>>14330873so aspiration and goal is your definition of life? pathetic, your definitions are idiotic and you are clearly a low iq individual, didn't even get sense of my post.
>>14330874yes, call it murder, killing, termination or ending the life it does not matter fact is you are physically ending the life by medical manipulation. as we know now, after conception the organism has already set of both parental genetics and its main characteristics are already decided, it is already a being that is set up to be what it is going to be after maturation in maternal organism. there is no factual difference whether you terminate it at conception or at later date on sense of life. the only difference is either:
emotional bias, (heart beats, it moves, reacts, which is merely considered as some sign of life by uneducated who don't understand basic biology and think organism just comes to life once heart starts beating or nervous system develops, they have no comprehension of basic cellular life)
social norms (what is accepted and what is not in the grouo individual lives in, more than 90% people live and act out of accordance to society, if it was acceptable and popular to 'abort' toddlers many would do it)
convenience (when there is risk of maternal mortality, or teratogenic and other serious disfunction of foetus, when it is medically advisable to do it; economical and psychological immaturity of parents - in some societies).
all in all it is very complex subject and multidimensional. there really seem to be cases when it seems like the only correct action but i think this is the subject that needs most individual approach. we also need to start facing facts and call it what it is, it is an ending of life, though we prefer to use milder terms to not face the reality because we are pussies. we like to close eyes.