The internet has made us its bitch and has its cock ass deep inside all of us. It has coopted our brain capacity and has molded us into being its sex organs. We are a race beholden to the vices inherent in a runaway technology that was envisioned to change us for the better, but it has had the opposite effect. Human beings are becoming more intelligent, but it is intelligence defined by the interent's own terms. We are becoming better at multitasking and quickly processing shallow data streams of information, but we are rapidly losing the ability to think deeply, creatively, and inventively. The human capacitities of mindful knowledge acquisition, inductive analysis, critical thinking, imagination, and reflection have been eroded.
Are we strapped in for the ride and beholden to our creations, or is there a way to implement change or conscious restraint on a wider scale? Responsible technology usage can be implemented invidiually, but that is cold comfort when the rest of your peers have been mentally colonised by this daimonic invention.
Are we strapped in for the ride and beholden to our creations, or is there a way to implement change or conscious restraint on a wider scale? Responsible technology usage can be implemented invidiually, but that is cold comfort when the rest of your peers have been mentally colonised by this daimonic invention.