The horror of female dominated science/manufacturing spaces

No.14305809 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hea ye, hear ye, for I will tell you a tale of women in the modern science space. Whether you are in school, in academia, or in industry, I think you can learn (or at least be entertained) from my experiences. Please do share your own.

For context, I'm in my mid 20's and graduated with a degree in biology (useless piece of trash major) in 2017 from a Canadian school. Despite graduating with no significant skills other than those acquired in a molecular bio lab internship, I managed to get an obscenely high GPA, which made some employers think well of me. I started working a dogshit job related to plant science/horticulture out of school. Through some job hops, I managed to pivot into the pharmaceutical space, and I'm now working for one of the "Big 10" pharma companies in one of their manufacturing departments. Been there for 2 months.

When I first walked into this new workspace, I was struck by how soulless everything seemed. People don't talk to each other much about work or home life. When people talk in meetings, they often seem annoyed that they have to address the core duties of their jobs. Most people keep their doors closed during business hours, despite the fact that the entire building is nearly dead silent 24/7. When you walk past people in the hallways, they often just stare forward or at the ground. No "hello", no "how's it going". Many times when I have simply said "hello", I've gotten no response. Sometimes it feels like I'm the main character in a game with badly programmed NPCs. Continued....