>standard model has been completely verified, no deviations from it at all
>dark matter might as well not be a real thing and we'll have to deal with MOND
>BMW supercomputer killing the hopes of deviations from the magnetic moment of the muon
>Microboone killed the SND anomaly
>anomalies regarding the violation of the universality of leptonic interactions in B-meson decays will die due to statistics
>Reactor neutrino anomalies will die in the next years when we get better measurements of nucleons involved (already some neutrino models seem to be killing it already)
>neutrino might as well just be dirac
>planck scale too heavy to ever be probed
>GUT scale too heavy to ever be probed (might as well not even be a real thing)
>monopoles don't exist
>no neutrinoless double beta decay
>higgs mass problem is nothing but a meme
Kinda glad the public has lost faith in science, we have hit the wall.
What's left to do?
>dark matter might as well not be a real thing and we'll have to deal with MOND
>BMW supercomputer killing the hopes of deviations from the magnetic moment of the muon
>Microboone killed the SND anomaly
>anomalies regarding the violation of the universality of leptonic interactions in B-meson decays will die due to statistics
>Reactor neutrino anomalies will die in the next years when we get better measurements of nucleons involved (already some neutrino models seem to be killing it already)
>neutrino might as well just be dirac
>planck scale too heavy to ever be probed
>GUT scale too heavy to ever be probed (might as well not even be a real thing)
>monopoles don't exist
>no neutrinoless double beta decay
>higgs mass problem is nothing but a meme
Kinda glad the public has lost faith in science, we have hit the wall.
What's left to do?