Hair Loss General

No.14301642 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I present to you the first dedicated hair loss general on /sci/ (as far as I know)
The purpose of this general is to archive and share information, resources, potential cures, possible remedies in the form of research chemicals, known remedies and their side effects, and everything in between. Any advice, hopium, links you guys have, etc. now is the time to share them.

I was using tressless for a bit but it's full of typical reddit behavior, groupthink, etc. Any mention of cures of treatments in the works is met with "muh lol 5 years" from blackpilled slapheads, perpetually angry at the world, with so little hope that they actually become a metaphorical blackhole and attempt to suck dry any semblance of good tidings for the future. It's hard to blame some of the older ones, as they've probably seen countless snake oil cures come out in their time, but at the same time, it really isn't productive to have a subreddit full of people showing their progress pics and complaining while any real discussion on the future of treatments gets shut down immediately by the aforementioned defeatists.

Anyway, enough bitching about reddit, here are some of the links I've found over time. Anecdotes are also welcome, no matter how unscientific, really anything that might hint at fixing this accursed shit is ideal. As for anecdotes from me personally, I've noticed that dutasteride works leagues better than fin at preventing further hair loss, with no side effects thus far, while minoxidil didn't do much for me aside from give me a shed that never reversed itself and gave me heart palpitations to the point where I had to discontinue use (not vaxxed btw, and the chest pains were pre covid, so that's also not a contributing factor. that being said, also never tested positive)