So, I've been confused about cholesterol and how it is viewed. In my house, we were always under the impression it wasn't bad, and that it was necessary. My dad also was a neuropharm under Biology. Of course, public said it was bad, and still some argue it today. I'm not subscribed to any diet, but I make sure to eat whole foods, so my pantry looks like ingredients for the most part. I also only weigh 180-185 lbs, which is pretty light, and i haven't deviated much since the last 5 years i moved out. I come here to ask if anyone knows any good sources or has good understanding of cholesterol, and the likely-hood of causing cardiovascular disease. I'm also mixed 1/4 black, and I think there is higher genetic predisposition to getting cardiovascular diseases, which runs on the black side of my family. Should i be heavily monitoring my cholesterol intake? /fit/ is a nightmare with answering this so i figured yall would have a more nuanced opinion.