>>14300651>safety methanon... it is literally just meth
it is addictive and will fuck up your heart if used long-term
reminder that heroin, if pure, is safer and nearly impossible to OD on compared to fentanyl, a prescription medication. Not trying to say ADHD meds are similarly deadly, but being made by big pharma does not make it safe.
Regarding your other stuff, it's kinda like who cares. It could be legitimate but so many people who obviously don't have it are able to qualify and get medicated. No one that I personally know who was diagnosed and went on meds for it wound up in a better place long-term... even if they got better grades, they became more robotic, unfunny, neurotic, and in generally unpleasant to talk to (which for me is a pretty high bar considering I post here). I do not recommend but if you're the kind of faggot that binge drinks often or takes molly then sure why not yolo ig