>>14296714Let’s not turn our brains off and let’s simply list what they say:
1. Sugar isn’t bad for you. General points: sugar is main source of energy, refined sugars are worse for you than natural sugars
2. HFCS is not the worst sugar. General points: in comparison to other refined sugars. Whole fruit sugars are still better.
3. Honey and agave are not really better for you than table sugar
4. Sugar doesn’t make you “hyper” (by some medical definition of hyper)
5. We should not cut 100% of our sugar intake (but keto people don’t care about their lifespan so whatever, live quick die young)
6. Artificial sweeteners are not really that good at being healthier
7. Sugar is not only found in sweet foods
8. Sugar is not addictive (by some medical definition of addiction)
9. Sugar does not cause diabetes (this is by far their weakest argument. Diabetes is caused by a multitude of factors, of which high sugar intake is one. Healthy v. Non healthy consumption levels are not nuanced here)
10. People with diabetes need to have some amount of sugar
So. They’re not taking about table sugar. They’re talking about all forms of it. Fairly common talking points that if you are into the online diet debates, you have already heard hundreds of times before.