Imagine the fear of going to school for theoretical fundamental physics and having the motivation of a English lit creative writing major, that so wants to make it big and rise above and have a best seller and see your name in the bright lights and get a lot of money to invite all your dorm room mates to your house to play board games and show off your love for quirky tacky stiff taste in furniture and interior design and maybe your parents will be proud if you make it in to the history books and if you just try and try certainly the muses will grant you with divine epiphany because you want to succeed so you must succeed and you've seen the pbs documentary on worm holes and string theory and all the youtube ad revenue generated from explaining the magic of quantum mechanics and you are into astrology and all the milenials like crystals, and think of the ad revenue and speaking engagements, think of the tenure and grant research funding, and book deals, this is it this could be the big break we were hoping for, let's put those sales techniques we learned from our family to good use, let's be all about this branding, ok here we go, let's get that cake bitch