Science is bullshit. The amount of times a labcoat has been wrong about something is close to 99% of the time. "B...but that's the point!" Tradition and basic logic has been proven right almost every single time. Examples below include -
>Fat is bad for you!!! Eat a bunch of carbs! Now "science" has found the opposite
>Take the Laudanum! It will help coax you to sleep and feel happier!
Now recognized as terrible for you and is schedule 1
>Alcohol is terrible for you!
Alexander the Great, Churchill, Hemmingway, etc have all been drunks
>Tabula Rasa!
Demonstrably false, humans are genes expressed within an environment, as people understood for thousands of years on an intuitive level.
>Science is truth, trust us!
Replication rates at levels of less than 20% on average
>Plastic is the future!
Has killed off millions of species, and is full of chemicals that cause brain damage, effeminacy, and polluted our world for the next 10,000 years.
>Religion is wrong haha, the world is mechanical, Newtonian Physics FTW!
Modern physics points to intelligent design, and things like the double slit experiment contradict all we know.
When will sci fags stop pretending that they know everything? Intuition, logic, and the religious texts literally predict all the shit that is later found out by "science". Am I against experimentation? No. Am I against a methodology of finding truth? No. I'm against you faggots that believe every new fucking study and then proceed to fuck up all of humanity because your newest, gayest, "Science" told you it was right.
>Jannies, this related to science directly due to the fact that this is a direct philosophical attack on the basic principles of the study. Is the study of science not based upon truth?
>Fat is bad for you!!! Eat a bunch of carbs! Now "science" has found the opposite
>Take the Laudanum! It will help coax you to sleep and feel happier!
Now recognized as terrible for you and is schedule 1
>Alcohol is terrible for you!
Alexander the Great, Churchill, Hemmingway, etc have all been drunks
>Tabula Rasa!
Demonstrably false, humans are genes expressed within an environment, as people understood for thousands of years on an intuitive level.
>Science is truth, trust us!
Replication rates at levels of less than 20% on average
>Plastic is the future!
Has killed off millions of species, and is full of chemicals that cause brain damage, effeminacy, and polluted our world for the next 10,000 years.
>Religion is wrong haha, the world is mechanical, Newtonian Physics FTW!
Modern physics points to intelligent design, and things like the double slit experiment contradict all we know.
When will sci fags stop pretending that they know everything? Intuition, logic, and the religious texts literally predict all the shit that is later found out by "science". Am I against experimentation? No. Am I against a methodology of finding truth? No. I'm against you faggots that believe every new fucking study and then proceed to fuck up all of humanity because your newest, gayest, "Science" told you it was right.
>Jannies, this related to science directly due to the fact that this is a direct philosophical attack on the basic principles of the study. Is the study of science not based upon truth?