>>14295502I kind of see what you mean, but I also kind of don't; most parts of our multicellular body support each other and couldn't live iwthout each other, and the same can be said for the symbiotic organisms that live in and on us
If the parts of a human being cannot exist as a whole, then that whole should rightly have a proper identity as a human being; kind of like... I wouldn't say that a boat is only "the illusion of a boat" because it's made of different formerly unconnected pieces of wood, cord and cloth, it's been assembled into something that should definitely be called a boat
Regarding my individuality and consciousness, sure on a biochemical levle might be just neurons exchanging shit, but again, my nervous system as a whole gives rise to something that is distinctly me, and it would cease to exist if it was taken apart, even if individual parts might survive for a bit