>>14291810Putin got high off his own farts because he succeeded with Trump and because Ukraine willingly gave up Crimea to avoid a war. He expected Biden to fold and for Zelensky flee the country, as is common with most people like him that they'll flee at first chance of difficulty rather than stick it out and persevere.
Biden's domestic ground game has been pretty hit or miss, but his foreign political game has been 12/10, would vote again. On top of that, Zelensky basically figuratively walked on the world stage and dropped his big cahones onto the table and looked Putin in the eye and said "well go ahead, they're not gonna suck themselves."
On top of that, Putin declared war and sent an invasion force to take over Ukraine without full support of his nation, while simultaneously conscripting tens of thousands of legally adult, but mentally barely adults, teenagers and lied to them on what the objective in Ukraine was, and basically sent them to die. While fitting them with outdated and mostly falling apart equipment, against a country that didn't want them there, considered them invaders, and were willing to fight to their last breath to keep their freedom from Russian oppression.
On top of that, Zelensky, well you should look up his history. The dude on top of being a comedian and an actor, also participated in the equivalent of Dancing with the Stars (and won), and Ukraine's got Talent (and won). Zelensky is a god damn master when it comes to being a public icon, and then he upped his game by basically living on the front lines and dropping one chad line after the other and then live blogging from said front lines, proving to the world that he's the real deal and not some two bit pussy ready to flee the country.
When the US sent him a secure message saying "we have a secret get away path out of country for you", he replied with "I need ammunition, not a ride."
Putin overextended and made the critical all dictators make that, thought he was untouchable.