No.14290990 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a question about grass

do northern grasses (scotland etc) grow slowly? Are there any examples of northern grasses that grow very fast?

I ask because my lawn has two different types of grasses. One is thin like paper and the blades are broad, the other is more like a tiny straw, and the blades are thin (although it has a thicker cross section area)

The first type grows very fast in the summer, the second doesn't. The first one turns white in the winter (dormant), the second stays green. The first one also has a lighter green color, the second is darker.

It seems like the second type of grass is somehow "winter adapted". The dark color means it absorbs more light (useful in north latitudes). The slow growth means it's not adapted to take advantage of a rich sunny climate. And it stays green all year long so it can take advantage of light energy even when it's cold.