
No.14289104 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are your experiences with it? Do any of you take them. Been having memory issues my entire life. My short term is top tier, yet long term is trash. It's like a computer with 64GB RAM but only 250 GB of HDD space.
I even have troubles writing this short message out. It feels like my brain usage is 30%. Only when I'm under stress do I excel and can go over 100% but crash very quickly and need 2 days rest to regain my energy.
At least I made it to be an engineer, but I feel there is something wrong. I do eat healthy. 90% vegetarian 10% meat/dairy diet for the majority. Now pushed it to 70% veg 30% meat/dairy. I take supplements like B12, iron zinc, magnesium, chrom, D3 and K7.
What I am really asking is, are there any supplements that can increase brain power significantly. Hear (pic related) Lions Mane Mushroom can trigger Nerve Growth Factor in the brain, but not sure if that is just Chinese Medicine trash folklore.