How to get good at Chemistry?

No.14289033 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a first-year Pharmacy student, and our professor of Organic Chemistry told us that we have to be Chemistry Gods to be able to make it through. I want to make & produce drugs myself one day.
He told us that we have to work on chemistry far bound our course does. We have to self-learn Chemistry at home, literally do Chemistry for fun. Do Chemistry so much, you'll become a Chemistry nerd.
I didn't study good in my first semester (which had General Chemistry) and so I barely passed General Chemistry. Now I am in my second semester and I am taking Organic Chemistry.
My professor told me that I have to be good at General Chemistry.
My General Chemistry course was:
1. Matter and Measurement.
2. The Atom Theory, Atomic and Nuclear number.
3. Stochiometry.
4. Molarity, Acids and Bases, Oxidation and (the other thing).
5. Thermochemistry.
6. The orbitals thing (spdf).
7. Relations (how ion size changes across the periodic table and other things).
What is a good source to brush on these things as fast as possible?
I want to make up for my first semester's bullshittery.