MPH enabled me to focus on tasks indefinitely, but i feel zombified and usually feel less creative when approaching things requiring critical thought. amphetamines feel a lot less foggy and generally make me enjoy whatever i'm doing more, which is a big component of sustain attention
i've taken to taking methamphetamine because i'm too poor and distrustful to see a psychiatrist and get an adderall script. obviously you have to be careful and establish a clear boundary between utilitarian and recreational use.
i don't think its improved my performance in classes, which was already good prior. mainly, it's helped give me more initiative and confidence to take on additional projects which i likely wouldn't have otherwise.
>>14289895>Feels like they just threw them at me because they couldn't be bothered to think about my problems and what's best for me.welcome to the american mental healthcare system my friend. unless you can afford to pay a substantial premium, every psychiatrist is just going to view you as a checkbox of DSM-IV criteria. at which point they will prescribe to you whatever drug the highest bidding pharma company told them to prescribe first for that condition.
if you're still in college, my advice is to just learn stress management techniques, get adequate sleep, and avoid smoking weed or drinking excessively. i find those things affect my academic performance way more than presence or absence of stimulants. routine is nice, but i find it only helps insofar as it promotes good sleep hygiene. also take all of your notes on paper