>>14289722Russia never invaded Ukraine, so your argument makes no sense. We started aligning with and arming Poland, Ukraine, and many other countries in Eastern Europe in the early 2000s, and that's not my opinion, that's simply a fact.
Also, I'm sure I know far more about the topic than you, because my family is literally from Ukraine. We immigrated to the US in the 90s and I was born here, but I still have family in Ukraine. Like I said, fuck America, fuck the EU, and fuck NATO.
I know obese Amerifat retards like you think that America goes around the world spreading freedom and democracy, and that other countries love America, but that's not the case. Other countries do not look forward to American "military intervention" - which is the term the US likes to use when they invade other countries. The rest of the world hates America and the EU and Israel. People do not want US "military intervention" in their countries. That's not something people in impoverished countries and conflict zones look forward to. The governments and corrupt politicians of Eastern Europe may be seeking to align with the US to further their own political goals, but if you ask most citizens in Eastern Europe, in Latin America, in the Middle East, and in other parts of the world, they will tell you that they don't want US "military support" or US "military intervention".