No.14285479 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone figured out a way to get past ADHD and actually sit down to start tasks such as reading and writing without having to use brain frying meds? Here is a list of things I have tried none of which have worked

To do lists (various kinds, short, long, one item)
Alarms, timers (of various kinds pomodoro etc)
Meditation (of various kinds mindfulness, guided, creative visualization, mantra, etc)
Exercise (variations from weightlifting, cardio, HIIT)
Locking away all electronics in a timed lock box for periods from 5 hours to 5 weeks
Giving someone my router
Wearing a watch that shocks you if you don't stand up and do jumping jacks
22 different Nootropics
Changing diet in various ways
Listening to white noise or music