Why do we Need Sleep?

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The reason nobody can answer this particular question why every conscious thing on earth requires unconscious rest is they forgot the Solar/Lunar Dyad. The Sun is the male principle of cosmological certainty/consciousness that impregnates the unmanifest and the Moon is the female principle of the cosmological unmanifest/unconsciousness that nourishes possibility and births the certainty, these two mate to create an active reality in a process of becoming. Sleep belongs to the unmanifest. Every conscious thing needs a period of unconsciousness to regenerate and nourish itself or it couldn't continue being a conscious thing. We only know what we are aware of by virtue of the differentiation provided by the periephery of what we are unaware of. Certainty is phallic in the blackness of the uncertain and out of this sex all is birthed.

If you're a rick and morty reddit atheist so.y you'll deny it but it's unshakably true.

>sun and moon same exact size (enough for the moon to cover the sun and cause eclipses)
>it's just a heckin coincidencerino!!!!

Honestly it's just petty and embarrassing to deny shit like this for "IT'S ALL JUST RANDOM BRO!" The reason you sleep is that you need to pass through the bottleneck of unconsciousness to keep existing as you are and be blessed by the nourishing recovery of black night to create more frontier of possibility when you awake.