Is balence and symmetry and order and pattern considered beautiful because they are more rare and challenging, and usually signs of intention, care, craft, intelligence, so we are awe struck and comforted, we feel a good harmonious feeling, of the idea of logic and sense, an idea our ancient history of biology spent milenia working with and seeking, realizing was useful, building upon building upon, the very idea of regularities and consistencies, seeking the limits and potentials of physics and biology, forming higher and more complex orders, and chaoses.
Being afraid of the strange chaoses outside the body; rain randomly falls, the wind randomly blows, lightning randomly
strikes, lava randomly bursts, forrest randomly fires, crops randomly die, predator randomly hunts, childbirth randomly kills.. please for the love of god and humanity give us some order, pattern, consistency, regularity; in the face of all else it is that which is soothing, and comforting, that which more easily constructs and stabilizes our self, and selves, and surroundings, that which we may etherally refer to as beauty.
The again the lighting strike and lava burst may be beautiful from afar, and the sun's surface and juipitars storm.
And are the activities of all insects, shitting, bile, guts and puke, decay, beautiful?
So, what is beautiful, what is not beautiful? Is everything possible in the universe beautiful? And everything not possible in the universe beautiful? Is all possible and impossible math beautiful? Who can say for certain.