Best approach to teaching math?

No.14281245 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, so math is my worst subject. I managed to power through and get b’s in the subject but the material I learn never completely stuck. I passed a general college math course in the fall with a B. The course used everyday scenarios and practical uses for math problems (like how much product needs to be sold for company to break even, how much should the school budget to each area to have some left over money, those kinds of problems. The other tactic it used was to focus on the entire process instead of just the answer. Basically, if you got 4 steps of a problem right but just messed up the last part you would receive 80% credit on the problem with a wrong answer because you used the process correctly up until that point. This was still hard for me but not enough to cause any significant stress getting through the course. How do you think math should be taught!