>>14282393Why? The objections I've seen have been
>I won't be able to get health insurance if they detect some rare condition.Health insurance is through your employer or the health market place. Both are group policies so your individual DNA is not a factor.
>What if they cure cancer using my DNA and they get rich and I get nothing?You weren't going to cure cancer anyway so you're not out anything but maybe one of your loved ones or even you end up living longer due to the cure. Anyway, it is highly unlikely your DNA holds the key to a cure for cancer or any other medical condition.
>What if I murder someone and they find me through my DNA?Don't murder anyone! Besides, if any of your relatives are in the system, they already can narrow down the suspects enough that you're going to get caught anyway.
>Well, I just don't want to.No one is forcing you to if you don't want to. Depending on your financial situation it's a cheap or an expensive novelty. There are plenty of other things to spend your money on if you're not interested.