No.14281084 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do the electrons get back to the electron emitter?

i can understand that you energize a material and it ejects electrons. okay fair enough.
but the electrons get shot out of this thing and fuck off somewhere else. you could shoot the electron beam at a wall or whatever.
where do those electrons go? how do they disappear?

there's a limited number of electrons on atoms of the electron emitter, you have to resupply the electrons eventually. where do those electrons come from?

i know that electricity from the wall is the result of flow of electrons in the wire, but it's not like you can "suck electrons" out of the wire, right? the work done by AC power is just from the electrons moving down the wire, and back up the wire, rapidly, inducing EMF in whatever the thing is that you want to power.

it's not like you could stick a wire in the wall and collect a "bucket of electrons" from it.

so how do the electrons get back on the electron emitter?