Theoretical evolutionary endgames for future civilizations aka
>what strategy for a futuristic civilization's evolution would put them in the best position to stay/become the most advanced civilization in the universe
my takes:
>bio-based: evolution is gained through rigorous genetic alteration or perhaps even massive artificial brain interfaces to calculate strategies/simulations/research. ultimately, the "computer" of the brain will be in charge of calculations
>machine-based: evolution is given to technology, keeping the "sanctity" of humanity in-tact. artificial intelligence is given free reign to calculate strategies/simulations/research while improving itself
>population-based: a huge population allows the civilization to dominate while its vast amount of minds work together to drive progress. similar to bio-based, but a more "expansionary" approach
I believe most civilizations will strive for being able to "process" things as quickly and accurately as possible. whether this be biological computation (brain-based) or technological computation (artificial intelligence), being able to out-simulate a battle down to the millisecond will be key to owning the galaxy.
>what strategy for a futuristic civilization's evolution would put them in the best position to stay/become the most advanced civilization in the universe
my takes:
>bio-based: evolution is gained through rigorous genetic alteration or perhaps even massive artificial brain interfaces to calculate strategies/simulations/research. ultimately, the "computer" of the brain will be in charge of calculations
>machine-based: evolution is given to technology, keeping the "sanctity" of humanity in-tact. artificial intelligence is given free reign to calculate strategies/simulations/research while improving itself
>population-based: a huge population allows the civilization to dominate while its vast amount of minds work together to drive progress. similar to bio-based, but a more "expansionary" approach
I believe most civilizations will strive for being able to "process" things as quickly and accurately as possible. whether this be biological computation (brain-based) or technological computation (artificial intelligence), being able to out-simulate a battle down to the millisecond will be key to owning the galaxy.