No.14277315 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Modern and contemporary physics is totally coherent.
Climate change is happening and mostly driven by humans.
Evolution is real.
AI is possible.
IQ is a lie.
Vaccines do not cause autism.
The earth is not flat.
The earth is not 6000 years old.
Race is a social construct.
Natural abiogenesis happened.
Infinite sets make sense and mathematical research that presupposes that they are compatible with classical logic is OK.
Two disagreeing people can both be right. Ever heard of subjectivity, chud? It's relevant sometimes!
Smoking is unhealthy.
Gravity is not electromagnetism.
Microorganisms are proven to cause diseases.
Jewish, BIPOC and LGBT people have been responsible for the vast majority of mankind's scientific advancements.
The renaissance saved us from a dark age of scientific and social progress.

If you have trouble accepting any of these facts, you are an enemy of science AND a chud. Trust the experts.