Why doctors simply dont prescribe eating more veggetables and plants, drinking more water, doing more cardio, lifting basic weights, sunbathing, eating less carbs/gluten/sugar, stop eating red meat and eating instead eggs, doing meditation to stop stress, chicken and fish, and reading at least a book per week plus having some intelectual hobby like composing music or learning new languages.
When It literally this prevents and cures 95-98% of all existent diseases, both mentally degenerative shit like alzeimers as well as obesity related illnesses?
Pretty much anything non infection or genetic defect is cure with my first list of tips.
When It literally this prevents and cures 95-98% of all existent diseases, both mentally degenerative shit like alzeimers as well as obesity related illnesses?
Pretty much anything non infection or genetic defect is cure with my first list of tips.