>>14274950I don't understand your fixation on autism, which is just problematizing and/or pathologizing the any brains that aren't neurotypical. There is more than a small amount of fear and prejudice in the labelling and concern, especially when there are tons of evidence of all kinds of heinous effects of child abuse, indoctrination, extending across the world, institutionalized in many forms, which is designed to basically treat a young human being as a sort of tabula rasa, raw material for parents, or society, to judge and sort like pieces of fruit on an assembly line, by way of a so-called "education system" to supply an economic paradigm which "mines" the population of children much like you might grade and sort raw materials, looking for the ones that give you the best result.
Our cultures and societies, in their "socialization" processes, goes about "house-breaking" a child like you "house-break" a dog, that is, you impose a regime of classical and operant conditioning, backed up by implied or actual violence. "Successful" graduates of this system, in turn, inflict it on others without reflection or awareness.
If you live in a muslim society, all kids born are not human beings first- that is, just a baby. No, they are a "muslim" child. The society is set up to vaccuum up all this raw material for the cult, which is usually state sponsored religious instruction called "Madrasas" in which all the kids are subjected to a cult member whose syllabus is teaching the kids to memorize the Koran in Arabic, even if it isn't the first language or understood by the child as to its literal content, a performance they are forced to give, and then are graded on. Sound familiar?
The most durable parts of human societies and cultures resides in their frictionless brainwashing capacity. So despite 150 years of modern empirical science, we have more ignorant morons than ever, and child abuse has never been more rampant and widespread.