No.14273708 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, what makes males not normies? Where does it start? Why don’t I like talking about sports, the stock market, drinking and pussy like most guys? I’ve been like this as long as I can remember. What is the causation/correlation? Is there an evolutionary utility?

Some back story on me for analytical purposes: I am attractive enough to have sex and make friends, but I’m “different” if that makes sense, I don’t get along with most people. I was physically abused by my father and constantly terrified of him growing up. We grew up poor, and from an early age I noticed patterns in the behaviour of wealthy kids vs poor kids. I wasn’t actively seeking these patterns, it was just blatantly obvious to me that these people were genetically (and financially) privileged. I started seeing people as archetypes which led me to easily “read” a person. Wealthy attractive white people seemed to have less of a negative aura surrounding them as well. It’s hard to explain. I thought this would all disappear with age, and that life would become more just, but it doesn’t, it gets worse. The absurdities of life and death, the inequalities, the financial system, the wage slaving, the pressure from parents and normies to comply, the elite class, all of it was too much to handle. It all felt like a sadistic joke. I developed a nasty drug habit for 5 years. I eventually got clean and went to college. I act like peoples opinions of me don’t matter, but deep down inside they do, even though I know it’s illogical, it’s like some innate force I can’t stop. Why can’t I be a normie with out an internal dialogue? Why doesn’t being a normal “dudebro” come natural to me?