Alien Civilizations

No.14272462 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is pure insanity wanting to contact an Alien Civilization, broadcasting your position beyond insane.

Alien fetishists are insane and a threat to us all.

>b-b-b- I have to know if we are not alone
Why ? Literally no on is interested in this answer except other alien fetishists.

>b-b-b- aliens and shit dude.
Congratulations now you have an alien civilization who is more technologically advanced at our doorstep. Get ready to get fucked hard.

>b-b-b- why are you assuming they will be hostile ?
Why are you not ? What you think they show up here and will simply give us tech without any bullshit ?

We are talking about aliens who are totally different and nowhere in history did contact between civilizations end up beneficial to the less primitives.

Like Columbus to the Indians.

>b-b-b- my crazy magic that can detect us already
1) it magic BS that can not work
2) Then why are you insisting on shouting into space so they can detect us ?

>b-b-b- the distance between starts it to great for travel.

What if it is not ? Want to see what happens if they warp jump here ?