They Lied to You about Human Evolution

No.14270874 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Furless phenotype
>shared with mammals like whales, hippos and rhinos which have aquatic ancestry
>distended probosci
>shared with one other primate, which happens to be the worlds ONLY aquatic monkey
>subcutaneous fat
>another adaptation shared with whales, hippos, rhinos and other mammals with aquatic ancestry
>a freaking diving instinct present even in extreme juveniles
>the rapid evolution of a fatty and highly expensive organ (the organ you're not using when you reject AAT due to ad poplum fallacy)
>oceanic food chain provides high fat, high energy diet
>lean game meat and tubers do not
>human evolution is more muddled than most species due to absence of fossils
>everyone is absolutely sure despite these gaps in the fossil record plus the overwhelming parsimony of the theory that it is nonsense.

The Leakeys were the worst thing to ever happen to the field of human evolutionary biology.