No.14269871 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm having an absolute shit day and don't want to do my assignment today. Any chemists out there who want to make a quick $50? I can transfer it the way you want: paypal, crypto, vipps if you are norwegian, gift cards... whatever. Here we go:

The following shows equilibirums going from ammonium chloride to ammonium gas
1. NH4Cl (s) <> NH4+(aq) + CL- (aq)
2. NH4+ (aq) + H2O (l) <> NH3 (aq) + H3O+ (aq)
3. NH3 (aq) <> NH3 (g)

A) Explain what will happen in all three equilibriums when adding concentrated HCl to a satutrated solution of NH3Cl (ammonium chloride).
B) Explain what will happen in all three equilibirums when adding NaOH instead

2) 0.1M Ch3COOH is measured to have a PH value of 3.25, while calculated to have a PH value of 3.22

Calculate the equilibrium konstant (Ka) and the theoretical equilibrium konstant (tKa). What are potential reasons for why these are different?

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