No.14269282 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This board is like a congregation of hagged elitists who shit on people for not having what they view to be "basic knowledge and skills" and call them "retarded"
So is this really your existence? Not being an innovator or presenting new ideas in science, just priding yourself in being in the group of people not called "retarded" on this board because you have some esoteric skills deemed valuable by your superiors (even though you as an individual mean basically nothing because you are more afraid of being criticized for being dumb than not being original or innovative). Almost none of you have accomplished anything of your own. You just boast and call people idiots despite the fact that you fell for the college degree scam and won't produce anything original, you're just one of those priding himself as being one of the millions of people who can do something in math. Pathetic.