>>14266183Go back to pol. You're a fucking braindead moron if you think the opinion of Eric Weinstein or Joe Rogan are relevant to science. Both of them are fucking retards, and so are people like your who support them. If you retards could just shut the fuck up for a few weeks, and take the fucking vaccines, and wear the fucking masks, and stop spreading lies and disinformation for just a short tiny time span of less than a month, then we could finally stop COVID, and you fucking retards could get back to your normal lives, and could keep spreading your retarded conspiracy theories about the "deep state" and culutral marxism. The irony here is that the very people like OP who are constantly complaining about muh lockdowns and muh censorship, are the very people responsible for the lockdowns. If you retards would actually just listen to the medical advice and do what you're supposed to, then we literally could have defeated this thing two years ago.
I really don't get what is so hard to understand. Do you people really want to keep doing this? We just going to still be doing the same thing in 2 more years? 5 more years? How long will it take for you people to realize that COVID is just going to keep circulating and keep killing more people until we start taking it seriously and get it under control? At what point will you retards realize that blaming muh democrats is not going to fix the problem, and that maybe in the midst of a literal DEADLY PANDEMIC we need basic measure like face masks and vaccines and social distancing? How is any of that a conspiracy? How is any of that designed to take away your "freedoms"? How is any of that part of Bill Gates "depopulation" agenda? How do you equate controlling and stopping the spread of a deadly disease with taking away your freedoms? You people are so fucking stupid.