>>14264990>rational answer.So rationally why is 1 million strings of 1 almost complete, but 999,999 is not, when does completeness reach almost?
>the same degree of improbabilityRight billions times billions is much larger than 1 million, but I know for a fact that out of billions of people and billions of birds, specific people can see specific birds because I am a specific person who has specifically seen a specific bird (I am almost completely certain it was a mockingbird).
>incomprehensibleYou can't actually comprehend the scale of billions of people currently alive alongside billions of birds either, I see, so why are you some expert on the odds of life happening and why haven't you presented these odds, why do you keep using nonsensical metaphors and analogies, then get mad and start name calling when they quickly break down instead of trying to learn from your many many mistakes?