No.14262620 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The meaning of life is evolution, loosely defined and applied to all aspects of life in the universe. To progress is to take the next physically defined step and allow for greater succession in state and ability, to allow for the conditions of life, to ensure greater survivability, to accumulate knowledge and build greater technologies. Possibly, to achieve free will and go beyond that scope of understanding and existence.
I’ve largely skimmed over the occurrences and possibilities of said evolution but it is, put simply, the history and progression of the universe and humanity.
The formation of the sun and Earth to allow for abiogenesis, the creation of life. The original applied reference for evolution of life, adapting constantly to thrive in the environment in spite of the stresses incurred over lifetimes. Our development of technology and applied uses to increase the quality of life for the most privileged to receive.
Even the evolution of pain has been a target of our efforts to deal with and subdue the suffering in our lives. Art has evolved to greater capture the range of emotions and experiences one can imagine in this life. Technology, without a doubt is evolving to suit our ability to adapt and evolve in the face of nature and reality, to better accommodate our daily and most arduous or tedious tasks. We are at the brink of artificial intelligence and only then, when given such unfounded power, will we yet again ask how or why we are alive