>>14260825Brilliant as Einstein may have been in some fields, he was fucking ignorant with this prediction. World War IV wouldn't be some full scale war between between national alliances, but rather a low intensity series of local conflicts fought out across the globe over the course of many decades, using modern weapons. It would be fought over resources, and over political, racial and social lines. It would frequently involve wars of extermination that the history books of the future would never mention simply because there would be few surviving losers. A huge number of grudges that have accumulated and simmered over the past 100 years would be settled. On national, local and even personal levels. With no restraints, no outside interference, no international pressure, no national governments of any significance, the gloves would be completely off. The conflicts would only be settled when one side was completely vanquished.
Imagine the Rwanda genocides. Imagine what happens when all the modern logistics and infrastructure required to feed 7 billion people break down. Imagine what happens when the extreme right and extreme left can finally start shooting wars without police and national armies stepping in. Imagine what happens when one group suddenly realizes that the other group intends to not just defeat them, but to wipe them out entirely. That is what it would be like. Are you an honest straight white male? Tell me, what are your views on gangs? Especially gangs of a different ethnic/language groups. What say you have survived WW3 and you see those gangs still operating? You know they will kill you out of hand. Take anything you have. Pragmatic men will band together and take matters into their own hands and solve the gang problem permanently
If you survive WW3 then make sure you are living in a rural area, be well armed, have a useful skill, have lots of useful friends, and do not move through open areas in daylight, because there will be plenty of snipers.