ADHD Type 1 and 2.

No.14259523 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I would like to break up the subject into more speicifc pieces.

Why hasn't anyone thought of this theory for ADHD?

1. ADHD Type 1

There are some people who are actually born with downregulated dopamine receptors/transporters. They tend to do things to increase stimulation such as wreckless driving, impulse, etc. (as a child)

Think of it like a type 1 diabetic. Type 1 Diabetics don't product insulin, they were like this at birth.

Medication + Therapy is best course of action.

2. ADHD Type 2

Enivornmental onset ADHD. There are people who are constantly overstimulated. Dopamine receptors downregulate, and now normal things can't stimulate them. Therefor, a sudden increase in stimulating activites will occur (wreckless driving, impulse, etc.)

Think of this like a type 2 diabetic. They used to produce a ton of insulin but environmental factors caused an inability (such as eating too much sugar, and chronically raising it), causes the receptors to downregulate. In this case, it's social media, chronic internet use, masturbation,etc.

Usually, depression is coupled with this type.

Doctors and the medical establishment don't see a difference here. And will treat it the exact same way. Dopaminergic drugs. But here is the catch. Type 1 barely had any dopamine receptors to downregulate. Type 2 has pleanty more.

Wouldn't the best way to "cure" type 2 ADHD would be to simply remove the source of overstimulation instead of adding to it? Upregulation of dopamine receptors is possible and happens in recovering addicts. Could it be that those who have this syndrome/disease are just chronic social media/online users. I'm not saying that those who have type 2 are lazy, or not feeling as if they have lack of focus or whatever. They do. But could the treatment be different, and actually yield long term, lasting results.