Is this scientifically true?

No.14258057 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Every single woman is choosing the highest earning richest guy they can get and selling sex to him. That's literally it.

>All data from all marriages and relationship studies shows this to be the case. Every scientific study asking this question finds it to be the case. It's a cold emotionless financial extraction mechanism/business relationship. We can predict with near certainty who all women will pursue by manipulating the earnings/net worth of the target man. All women are whores/prostitutes.

>The no.1 predictor of initial pairing is networth/earnings of the male

>No.1 predictor of relationship dissolution/divorce is also networth/earnings of the male

>No.1 predictor of available mate choice is net worth/earnings of the male

>No.1 predictor of intrarelationship conflict is the net worth/earnings of the male

>No.1 predictor of infidelity on behalf of either sex is the net worth/earnings of the male."