>>14256631Gonna post an old pasta to start us off here:
Not only did Poincaré and Lorentz already discover the mathematics, which Einstein reproduced to the line, but Einstein also *did not cite either’s work*. In fact, he tried to cover up his plagiarism by changing notation, but forgot to do so in a few places, so his paper technically makes no logical sense. Einstein’s contribution was to kabbalize physics by giving pseudo-scientific “interpretations” to the mathematics, instead of rigorous axiomitization. He was harshly rebuked by a society of over 100 Austrian and German mathematicians and scientists for attempting to mysticize and obscure physics, but was supported by the Rothschild-backed and masonic (((Royal Society))). Einstein’s kabbalist approach to physics persists to the present day, and has completely halted progress in the area, as well as turned it into Talmudic discourse and philosophizing, which allowed it to be dominated by jews. (((They))) are currently trying to do the same thing in math.
-t. mathematician
Now that was made before his diary was released, I recommend you read it just to get an idea of who the guy really was. Shame they won't release the other 5 parts.