119KiB, 850x363, Cervical-dystonia-classification-caput-and-collis-concepts.png
No.14255131 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Help me out medfags! Whenever I try going to sleep my head jerks backwards and makes me fully awake. This doesn't happen constantly but it does happen often enough where it becomes and issue. It even happens during the day at random times. I also got tinnitus three weeks ago and while it's getting better I suspect these two condition are connected as my cervical area feel cramped. I suspect it is because of my bad posture while reading/studying as I am short-sighted.
Should I see a chiropractor or someone else. I noticed my head jerks even before this tinnitus and they would be classified as retrocollis in pic related.
Should I see a chiropractor or someone else. I noticed my head jerks even before this tinnitus and they would be classified as retrocollis in pic related.